Implementation Plan for the Renewal and Renovation of Old Pipeline Networks such as City Gas in Hebei Province (2023-2025)

Notice of the General Office of the People’s Government of Hebei Province on the issuance of the Implementation Plan for the Renewal and Renovation of Old Pipe Networks such as City Gas in Hebei Province (2023-2025).

The people’s governments of all cities (including Dingzhou and Xinji City), the people’s governments of counties (cities and districts), the administrative committee of Xiong’an New Area, and the departments of the provincial government:

The “Implementation Plan for the Renewal and Renovation of Old Pipe Networks such as Urban Gas in Hebei Province (2023-2025)” has been agreed by the provincial government and is now issued to you, please organize and implement it carefully.

General Office of the People’s Government of Hebei Province

January 2023, 1

Implementation Plan for the Renewal and Renovation of Old Pipeline Networks such as Urban Gas in Hebei Province (2023-2025).

The provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to the renewal and transformation of the old urban pipe network, and have successively promoted the renewal and transformation of the old municipal and courtyard pipe networks since 2018. At present, the old pipe network of municipal gas, water supply and heat supply should be changed as much as possible, and the municipal combined drainage pipe network has basically completed the transformation, and a working mechanism for immediate change has been established. In order to implement the requirements of the General Office of the State Council’s Implementation Plan for the Aging and Renovation of Urban Gas Pipelines (2022-2025) (Guo Ban Fa [2022] No. 22), continue to promote the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as gas in cities (including county towns) in the province, strengthen the systematic and intelligent construction of municipal infrastructure, and maintain the safe operation of urban infrastructure, this plan is formulated.

1. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, coordinate development and safety, adhere to the working principles of “people-oriented, systematic governance, overall planning and long-term management”, accelerate the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as urban gas, effectively improve urban safety and resilience, promote high-quality urban development, and provide a solid guarantee for accelerating the construction of an economically strong province and a beautiful Hebei.

(2023) Objectives and tasks. In 1896, the task of updating and transforming the old pipe network such as city gas will be completed for 72.2025 kilometers, and the renovation of the courtyard combined drainage pipe network will be fully completed. By 3975, the province will complete a total of 41,9.18 kilometers of renovation of old pipe networks such as city gas, the operation of urban gas pipeline networks will be safe and stable, and the leakage rate of urban public water supply pipe networks will be controlled within <>%; The heat loss rate of urban heating pipe network is controlled below <>%; Urban drainage is smooth and orderly, and problems such as sewage leakage and rain and sewage mixing are basically eliminated; The operation, maintenance and management mechanism of the courtyard pipe network has been further improved.

2. Scope of renewal and transformation

The objects of renovation of old pipe networks such as city gas should be urban gas, water supply, drainage, heat supply and other aging pipe networks and related ancillary facilities such as backward materials, long service life, potential safety hazards in the operating environment, and non-compliance with relevant standards and specifications. These include:

(1) Gas pipeline network and facilities.

1. Municipal pipe network and courtyard pipe network. All gray cast iron pipes; ductile iron pipes that do not meet the requirements for safe operation; Steel pipes and polyethylene (PE) pipelines with a service life of 20 years and assessed as having potential safety hazards; Steel pipes and polyethylene (PE) pipelines with a service life of less than 20 years, with potential safety hazards, and assessed that they cannot ensure safety through the implementation of control measures; Pipelines that are at risk of being occupied by structures.

2. Riser pipe (including inlet pipe, horizontal dry pipe). Risers with a service life of 20 years and assessed as having potential safety hazards; The operating life is less than 20 years, there are potential safety hazards, and the riser cannot be guaranteed by implementing control measures after assessment.

3. Plant and facilities. There are problems such as exceeding the designed operating life, insufficient safety spacing, proximity to densely populated areas, and large hidden dangers of geological disaster risks, and the plants and facilities that cannot meet the requirements of safe operation after assessment.

4. User Facilities. Rubber hoses for residential users, safety devices to be installed, etc.; Pipelines and facilities where industrial and commercial users have potential safety hazards.

(2) Other pipe networks and facilities.

1. Water supply network and facilities. cement pipes, asbestos pipes, gray cast iron pipes without anti-corrosion lining; Other pipelines with a 30-year operating life and potential safety hazards; Secondary water supply facilities with potential safety hazards.

2. Drainage pipe network. Flat concrete, plain concrete pipelines without reinforcement, pipelines with mixed and misconnected problems; combined drainage pipes; Other pipelines that have been in operation for 50 years.

3. Heating pipe network. pipelines with a service life of 20 years; Other pipelines with hidden leakage hazards and large heat loss.

All localities may further refine the scope of renovation and transformation in light of actual conditions, and places with better basic conditions may appropriately raise the requirements for renovation.

3. Work tasks

(2023) Scientifically draw up transformation plans. All localities should strictly compare with the requirements of the scope of renewal and renovation, and on the basis of a comprehensive census of the old pipe networks and facilities, scientifically assess the ownership, material, scale, operating life, spatial distribution, operation safety status, etc. of urban gas, water supply, drainage, heat supply and other pipe networks and facilities, distinguish priorities and priorities, clarify annual transformation tasks, and give priority to the transformation of old pipe networks such as gas that are seriously aging and affect operational safety, and areas with obvious sewage overflow and low sewage collection efficiency in rainy days. Before the end of January 1, all localities should prepare and complete the renewal and renovation plan of the old pipe network such as city gas, and the annual transformation plan and project list should be specified in the plan. The renovation of old pipe networks such as city gas has been included in the local “<>th Five-Year Plan” major projects and the national major construction project database. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, municipal governments (including Dingzhou and Xinji City, the same below) governments, and Xiong’an New Area Administrative Committee.) The following are all required by the municipal government and the administrative committee of Xiong’an New Area to be responsible for implementation, and will not be listed)

(2) Make overall plans to promote the transformation of the pipe network. All localities should reasonably delineate the renewal and transformation units according to the type of renovation and the transformation area, package and integrate adjacent areas, courtyards or similar pipe networks, form scale investment benefits, and make full use of national financial support policies. Implement the general contracting mode of the project to carry out renovation, organize professional teams to formulate “one district, one policy” or “one hospital, one policy” transformation plan, unify standards, and carry out overall construction. The renovation of the drainage pipe network should be connected with the work of urban waterlogging control. Where conditions permit, it is necessary to give overall consideration to the construction of urban underground pipe corridors and actively promote pipeline access. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

(3) Scientific organization of project implementation. Professional business units should earnestly assume the main responsibility, strictly implement the responsibility for project quality and construction safety, select materials, specifications, technologies, etc. should meet the requirements of relevant norms and standards, ensure that the pipe network facilities put into use reach the design service life, strictly supervise and manage the construction process in accordance with laws and regulations, do a good job in safety measures in key links such as ventilation and water ventilation after transformation according to regulations, and do a good job in project acceptance and transfer. For the same area involving multiple pipe network renovations, establish a coordination mechanism, plan and implement the renovation project as a whole, and avoid problems such as “road zippers”. Reasonably arrange the project construction period, make full use of the golden season of construction, and avoid flood season, winter and emergency response to air pollution prevention and control. Before the renovation of the pipe network, users should be notified of the suspension and resumption of service time, and temporary emergency measures should be taken when necessary to minimize the impact on people’s lives. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

(4) Synchronously implement intelligent transformation. All localities should combine the renewal and transformation work, install intelligent sensing equipment at important nodes of gas and other pipeline networks, accelerate the construction of information platforms such as gas supervision, urban management, heat supply supervision, and drainage pipe network digitization, and promptly include the information on the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as urban gas, so as to realize dynamic supervision and data sharing of urban gas and other pipe networks and facilities. Where conditions permit, gas supervision and other systems can be deeply integrated with urban municipal infrastructure comprehensive management information platform and urban information model (CIM) platform, and fully connected with the land space basic information platform and urban safety risk monitoring and early warning platform, so as to improve the operational efficiency and safety performance of urban pipe networks and facilities, and improve the online monitoring, timely warning and emergency handling capabilities of pipe network leakage, operation safety, thermal balance and surrounding important confined spaces. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Provincial Department of Natural Resources, Provincial Emergency Management Department)

(5) Strengthen the operation and maintenance of pipeline networks. Professional business units should strengthen the capacity building of operation and maintenance, improve the capital investment mechanism, regularly carry out inspections, inspections, inspections and maintenance, organize regular inspections of pressure pipelines such as gas pipeline networks and plants and stations in accordance with the law, promptly discover and eliminate potential safety hazards, and prevent pipelines and facilities from operating with diseases; Improve emergency rescue mechanisms and improve the ability to handle emergencies quickly and efficiently. Encourage professional business units in gas supply, water supply and heat supply to undertake the operation and maintenance management of gas and other pipe networks and facilities owned by non-resident users. For the gas, water supply and heating pipe networks and facilities shared by the owner, after renovation, they can be handed over to professional business units according to law, which shall be responsible for follow-up operation maintenance and renovation, and operation and maintenance costs shall be included in the cost. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

4. Policy measures

(1) Simplify the project approval process. All localities should streamline the examination and approval matters and links involved in the renewal and renovation of old pipe networks such as city gas, and establish and improve rapid approval mechanisms. The city government may organize relevant departments to jointly review the renewal and transformation plan, and after approval, the administrative examination and approval department will directly handle the relevant approval formalities in accordance with law. Where the renovation of the existing pipe network does not involve a change in land ownership or a change in the location of the pipeline, formalities such as land use and planning shall no longer be handled, and the specific measures shall be formulated by each locality. Encourage all parties involved to conduct a one-time joint acceptance. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Provincial Government Service Management Office, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Natural Resources)

(2) Establish a reasonable pooling mechanism for funds. The renovation of the courtyard pipe network adopts different financing modes according to the ownership of property rights. Professional business units shall perform the responsibility of funding for the renovation of old pipe networks within the scope of service in accordance with the law. Users such as government agencies, schools, hospitals, industry and commerce shall bear the responsibility for funding the renovation of the old pipe network and facilities exclusive to the owner. Where the pipe network and facilities shared by residents in the building zoning have been included in the renovation plan of the old residential area, they shall be implemented in accordance with the old residential area renovation policy; Where it is not included in the renovation plan of the old residential area and the operation and maintenance are not borne by the professional business unit, a mechanism shall be established for the reasonable sharing of the transformation funds by the professional business unit, the government, and the user, and the specific measures shall be formulated by each locality in light of actual conditions. Where it is truly impossible to implement the funds for the renovation due to unclear property rights or other reasons, the units designated by the municipal or county governments shall implement and promote it.

The renovation of the municipal pipe network is financed in accordance with the principle of “who operates, who is responsible”. The renovation of gas, water supply and heat supply municipal pipe networks is mainly based on the investment of operation management units, and all localities should guide relevant enterprises to strengthen the awareness of “self-responsibility for leakage and self-saving”, actively carry out potential mining and consumption reduction, and increase the proportion of investment in pipe network transformation. The renovation of municipal drainage pipe network is mainly invested by the municipal and county governments. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

(3) Increase financial support. Finances at all levels should follow the principle of doing their best and doing what they can, implement the responsibility of capital contribution, and increase investment in the renovation of old pipe networks such as urban gas. On the premise of not adding hidden government debts, eligible renovation projects will be included in the scope of local government special bond support. For renovation projects such as gas courtyard pipelines, risers and facilities common to residents in building zoning, as well as water supply, drainage and heating pipes and facilities, and other government-owned gas, water supply, drainage and heating municipal pipelines, plants and facilities, etc., it is necessary to actively seek special financial support for investment within the central budget. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

(4) Expand diversified financing channels. Strengthen the connection between government, banks and enterprises, and encourage commercial banks to increase green finance support for old pipe network renewal projects such as city gas under the premise of controllable risks and commercial sustainability; Guide development and policy-oriented financial institutions to increase credit support for aging and renovation projects such as urban gas pipelines in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law. Support professional business units to adopt market-oriented methods and use corporate credit bonds and project revenue notes for bond financing. Priority will be given to supporting eligible projects that have completed the task of renovation and renovation to apply for pilot projects of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure sector. (Responsible units: Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Renxing Shijiazhuang Central Sub-branch, Hebei Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)

(5) Implement tax reduction and reduction policies. All localities shall not collect punitive fees for road excavation and repair, garden and green space compensation, etc. involved in the renovation of old pipe networks such as urban gas, and reasonably determine the level of fees in accordance with the principle of “cost compensation”, and reduce or reduce administrative fees such as occupation construction in accordance with relevant national regulations. After the renovation, the owner who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the owner who owns the gas and other pipe networks and facilities entrusted to the professional business unit may deduct the maintenance and management expenses incurred after the handover in accordance with the regulations. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Taxation Bureau, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

(6) Effectively improve price policies. All localities shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Supervision and Examination of Prices and Costs Formulated by the Government, approve the investment, maintenance and safety production expenses for the renovation of old pipe networks such as city gas, and the relevant costs and expenses shall be included in the pricing costs. On the basis of cost supervision and review, comprehensively consider factors such as local economic development level and user affordability, and appropriately adjust the prices of gas, heat and water supply in a timely manner in accordance with relevant regulations; The difference in revenue arising from the non-adjustment can be amortized to the future regulatory cycle for compensation. (Responsible unit: Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

(7) Strengthen market governance and supervision. All localities should strengthen supervision and management of professional business units and improve the service capacity and level of professional business units. Strictly implement the national and provincial regulations on the management of gas business licenses, based on local conditions, strictly manage gas business licenses, improve access conditions, establish exit mechanisms, and effectively strengthen the supervision of gas enterprises. Strengthen the quality supervision of products, appliances and equipment related to the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as city gas. Support the merger and reorganization of gas enterprises and promote the large-scale and professional development of the gas market. (Responsible unit: Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Provincial Market Supervision Bureau)

5. Organizational safeguards

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. Establish and implement working mechanisms for provincial-level grasping the overall situation and cities and counties to grasp implementation. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with relevant provincial departments, should do a good job in supervising and implementing the work, and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance and other departments should strengthen financial and policy support and actively strive for relevant national funds. Local governments should earnestly implement their territorial responsibilities, put the promotion of the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as urban gas on an important agenda, implement various policies, and do a good job in organizing and implementing them.

(2) Strengthen overall planning and coordination. All localities should establish a working mechanism led by urban management (housing and urban-rural construction) departments and coordinated and linked by multiple departments, clarify the division of responsibilities of relevant departments, streets, communities and professional business units, form a joint force for work, promptly solve problems and summarize and popularize typical experiences. Give full play to the role of streets and communities, coordinate community residents’ committees, owners’ committees, property rights units, property service enterprises, users, etc., build a communication and discussion platform, and jointly promote the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as urban gas.

(3) Strengthen supervision and scheduling. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, strengthen the supervision of the renovation of old pipe networks such as urban gas, and establish a notification and dispatch system and an evaluation and supervision mechanism. All cities and Xiong’an New Area should strengthen supervision and guidance over counties (cities, districts) under their jurisdiction, establish and improve corresponding project scheduling, supervision and promotion mechanisms, and ensure the implementation of all work.

(4) Do a good job of publicity and guidance. All localities should strengthen policy publicity and interpretation, make full use of radio and television, the Internet and other media platforms to vigorously publicize the importance of the renewal and transformation of old pipe networks such as city gas, and respond to social concerns in a timely manner. Increase the publicity of key projects and typical cases, increase the understanding of all sectors of society on the renovation work, encourage the people to support and participate in the renovation work, and build a pattern of joint construction, co-governance, and sharing.

Post time: Jul-19-2023